Tuesday, July 25, 2006

And then there were Two

Ladies, gentlemen... Children of all your ages....

I'm married.

A month ago yesterday we tied the ole proverbial knot and began our life together. Allow me to share some G Rated observations of the past month

  • Sharing a bed with a girl is harder than you think. They are TOTAL blanket hogs!!
  • The aforementioned blanket hogs will accuse you of snoring if you say anything about them taking all the blanket.
  • Coming home to a wife who's missed you all day is sooo much better than a house full of guys or even a dog.
  • Laying with her head on my chest is the most peaceful place in the world.
  • Getting up in the morning is easier because i have someone to push me out of bed, but at the same time, she's really cute and snuggly and I don't want to get out of bed.
  • She is smarter than me in a lot of ways.
  • I can still beat her at Mario Party 7 though.
Bein married is seriously the coolest thing I've ever done. Words can't express the complete change in thinking I've been undergoing over the past 31ish days. It's like I now exist as 2 humans... I have two mouths to feed, two people to clean up after, people to protect, to provide for, to encourage, to take care of in every way I used to have to take care of myself. But the best part is, I don't have to do it all! She takes care of 2 people now two! It's so weird, but it's so perfect.

I'm no expert at marriage or nothin yet, so I won't try to impart wisdom to all of you married people out there, because... well, I'm new, but to those of you who aren't married yet... Be Careful. Get the right girl. Don't just marry someone who makes you feel good. Find a good person.
oh and talk.
Talk about everything.

No really, talk about everything. (Best marriage advice I've been given yet. From my friend Dustin Sahlhoff)