Monday, March 20, 2006

If you're wondering where I've gone

okay seriously.
you need to post more.
my wedding is 8 days away kyle.
8 days and still i find the time to post.

She's right, i should post more. but as to where I've gone, allow me to explain. Since the last time I've posted, I've started a new job at Walgreens picking up some extra hours, working weekends and Monday nights. Starting March 1st I started my training and worked every evening from 5 to 10 after working 8 to 5 at ND, and worked 9 to 6 on Saturday and Sunday until March 13th. If you're counting hours worked there that's about 178 hours straight working (I did have Thursday night's off because of dance lessons, but still). Needless to say... that'll tire a fella out. So yes, I've been a bit busy.

I'm on a "regular" schedule now, I work 9 to 6 Saturday and Sunday and then 5 to 10 on Monday's and I'll do this until the end of May. That'll help pay for some of the stuff I need to pay for for this wedding deal we've got comin up. Jeanette's telling her boss today that she's not coming back next year, She's a little worried about how he'll react, but at the same time, excited to finally have it "out there" and not have to hide how she feels about her job anymore. So we're excited about that.

Life is hard and good right now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow. don't i feel like a jerko.

actually i can relate, because i have multiple jobs as well... i just blog on work time. heh heh.

3 mas dias for me and then i'll be MRS. MONICA FLORES.
