Friday, August 04, 2006

The mind of an artist...

    Nothing great that is ever created by man comes out perfect on the first try. An artist knows this and is undaunted. Hours are spent fine tuning, honing skill. Patiently, persistently pressing on they spend hours and hours at their craft, forsaking all other pursuits, their art becomes their world. They don't go out when their friends want them to, they don't always catch this week's episode of "Popular Reality Show" They somehow missed it and don't seem to care too very much. Their art is their baby, and they'll tell you about it if you really want to know about it, sometimes they brag about it, but usually it comes with a second half where they point out how they failed in this and this and this, but they made it work here here and here. Artists are fighters, their enemy often times is their own skill, or the very media they work with; but with every failure comes pending success... and with every success, comes learning, and a new step is made, the art becomes clearer, it becomes better. Failure is never failure, it's a chance to improve the skill. An artist never approaches their media and tries to be the greatest at what they do. An artist pours himself out on the media and shows what they truly are.

My parents are artists, though they might not admit it themselves.

My dad is a gardener, and every year his garden is something new, something bigger, something cooler. This year he's found a way to almost completely eliminate weeds from the entire garden. The next year, he's designed a watering system that runs on a timer and he builds it himself. The year after that he's created a climbing tomato "tree" that's 20 feet tall that the tomatoes will climb, and pole beans will climb the 4 suspension wires. His strawberries are in a tiered area of the garden that he designed to minimize weeds, and help to hold water better. Will they give many strawberries this year? No, but next year... we'll be eating strawberries every night!

My mom will be surprised to read this, but she's an artist too ("Oh, I'm not an artist, I just follow a pattern!"). My mom makes quilts. My mom makes GORGEOUS quilts. for our wedding she made us this blue and yellow quilt that we proudly show off to everyone who visits our apartment. She spent months cutting tiny pieces of fabric that she had spent weeks picking out from different fabric stores, then she began the even more tedious job of piecing it all together. She could probably look at this quilt and see every mistake she made, but we see only beauty. This is something we'll be proud of for the next 50 years. My son will probably spill grape juice on it climbing in to bed with us. And even with a giant purple stain, we'll still put it on our bed and be proud of it. It's that great of a quilt.

I'm an artist in my own way I guess. I act and write some, but not as well as my parents do their things. But I'm still young and developing my skills. I hope to be as great as they are when I'm their age.

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