Monday, February 06, 2006

Monday Morning

My dad told me to steal his MP3 player when i was home this weekend doing my taxes, so I did. It's just a little 128mb dinker, but it gets me to work and back and since i don't have a stereo, it's nice to put something in my head. Currently it has some Nickel Creek
and some nice classic rock on it, just because I was in a hurry. But it was a great drive in today. My favorite song on it right now is "It's a great day" by Paul Thorn. Check that one out on iTunes nevermind, that one isn't on iTunes... Dang you iTunes. You've let me down again. Great song, very funny. good stuff.

Did my taxes on Saturday, I'm getting some money back from state which is cool, but I owe $53.00 to the Feds. But I come out positive in the end which is cool.

Oh and it's that time of year. I'm totally getting a cold. I'm not upset about it. It's Feruary, and I haven't really been sick yet this winter, so I'm due I guess. No biggy. I've been sick before. Everyone here at the office has been taking their turns with it, and I guess my turn's comin up.

Jeanette and I are coming up on 1 year together which is cool. Last night a friend mentioned the girl I dated before her, and it brought mixed feelings. I went home and lay in bed thinking about it, and I had to thank God for what she did. If she hadn't dumped me, I never would have even looked at Jeanette and would never have found the woman I'm spending my life with. I prayed for her last night, that she'd find someone who would be good to her, and would take care of her the way she wants and needs. She's a great girl, but my biased opinion says I came out with the better girl. And that's ok. I'm entitled, it's my website.

That's a cool thing about life, "You can't pray for someone you hate (I never hated her, but this is a quote from someone so I'll leave it in tact), and you can't hate someone you pray for. Prayer requires you to care about the person." -Matt Olsen

boy am i hungry.

Quote of the week, "I'm all for women being treated equal, but they don't belong on the sidelines at the Super Bowl." -Jeanette
I am sooo marrying the right woman.

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Anonymous said...

Nice to have you back. You're girl is exactly right about woment, sidelines and equality.

Anonymous said...

i know exactly how you feel-- i mean about being glad things didn't work out with the not-right one so that the right one could come along.

sometimes there aren't words.

last night i cooked dinner and it took 1.5 hours longer than expected (due to unnaturally gargantuan chicken breasts, but i digress). i also managed to set off the smoke detector once (due to some of the sauce in the marvelous creation) seeping out on to the bottom of the hot oven.

my amazing fiance not only managed no to laugh, but comforted me, made me laugh, AND waited until ELEVEN p.m. for dinner.


he's a keeper. FOR SO MANY REASONS-- glad you found one too :0)

Anonymous said...

i like nickel creek...and, uh, i'm not trying to be a punk...and i suppose it's none of my business...i was just trying to figure out which previous girl it was...a or k. i found an old gmail the other day you sent me about was amusing...i'm glad you're good though...seriously.